When the chia seeds conquered the healthy food market, less popular flaxseed moved away on a side track. Unnecessarily, because it is also a rich source of fibre. Can flax seed positively influence the metabolism?
Fibre is an extremely essential component in the process of weight lost. We find it in many products, including chia seeds and flaxseed. Why is it so important for us? First of all, it supports the metabolism, which is extremely useful when loosing weight. There is nothing like a solid kick to the body, which boosts the processes of burning fat.
What is flaxseed made of?
Natural flaxseed is primarily a source of soluble fibre. Their composition is really interesting, although the flaxseed itself is quite remarkable product. They belong to the group of plant products, and yet very high polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3 (typical for fish). Flax seeds are made of nearly half of vegetable fats, of which approximately 60% are unsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. In addition, flaxseed contains vitamin E, zinc, lecithin, flavonoids and phytoestrogens.
What flaxseed has to offer?
The biggest mistake women make during weight loss is eliminating fat from their diet. This is the first step to failure, because healthy oils with the content of fatty acids are essential in the process of losing weight. The body cannot produce them itself.
Flax seeds are perfect when you want to lose weight in a reasonable way. This is the best option for people who do not like to eat fish, as flaxseed provides the same nutrients. It lowers cholesterol and regulates the absorption of sugars. Specifically, it causes a decrease in insulin production, so that the fat is converted into energy and not deposited under the skin. A diet enriched with this component improves the work of digestive system, speeds up metabolism and fat burning. All in a natural and safe way.
Adding flax seeds to your meals speeds up the fat burning process while inhibiting hunger. What is more, this will result in improving your mood.
In addition, flaxseed has a beneficial effect on hair, nails and skin. Is a treasure trove of antioxidants that improve the overall condition of the body.
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